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Photo by Sue Muldoon Images

Welcome!  The wonderful quote to the left is from a young camper at The Hole in the Wall Gang Camp in Ashford, Connecticut during its first year of operation in 1988. As a camp volunteer, I worked with staff member Shivaun Manley, to gather original artwork of campers and create a handmade book of the campers' drawings and their accompanying descriptions. I hand-lettered each of the descriptions in a style that resembled that of a child's writing. Although I certainly claim no comparison to Picasso, that young camper's glorious exclamation is a testament to the possibilities that the future holds and the truly liberating idea that being an artist is fulfilling and, just as important, that creativity is fabulous fun!


I have been having fun making art for the better part of my life. I hope that you will enjoy browsing through the following pages and discover the types of creative endeavors that have made my life so thoroughly gratifying.


© 2015  Kathleen Lepak 

Many  thanks to Sue Muldoon Images  for technical assistance

and Bernie Schreiber for his editorial expertise.

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To inquire about Calligraphic, Wedding,  Design or Illustration

services you may email me at

All artwork is copyrighted. No reproductions are allowed.


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